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I left a question yesterday, but I will leave it again today. Following the RFD8500 RFID Reader , this time I am developing an app with the Scanner SDK in place, but I keep getting build errors. The…
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I am using ZebraBarcodeScannerSDK with Xamarin.iOS and facing issue at time of TestFlight deployment. Using Xamarin.Forms: v4.7.0.1179 Here are the details: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app…
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Regards, I have been working on an app using Xamarin with Link-os plugin and ZQ510 printer. The idea of ​​the app is that it can work in remote places where there is no internet connectivity. The…
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Hi, I'm trying to connect my iOS app to a Zebra ZQ510 printer over CoreBluetooth, but not having much luck locating the printer. Looking at the sample code from…
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Hi, When I connect with "(SBT_RESULT) sbtEstablishCommunicationSession:(int)scannerID" the device appears in iOS settings. And After if I don't disconnect with "(SBT_RESULT)…
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I am using ZD500R printer with my iOS app. I am using SGD rfid.error.response to check for RFID errors happened during printing. But sometimes instead of expected response mentioned in document https…
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I am using ZD500R printer with my iOS app. I am able to get alerts from printer using TCP/IP connection. But I am facing an intermittent issue where alerts are not coming to app, but printer is still…
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There is a racing condition between the initialization of MfiBtPrinterConnection and ZebraPrinterFactory's getInstance that occurs on recent iOS devices.         connection = [[[…
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I have an app that has multiple screens and only a few those screens use barcode scanning. Obviously I link libsymbolbt-sdk.a to my App and things work. Or they did... With the latest update if I try…
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I got problems compiling project with iOS ZSDK it cause this error : Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_EASession", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libZSDK_API.a(…