Forum topic
Does anyone have clients using SecureW2? When I install this supplicant it only installs some DLLs in Windows and nothing else. Registry indicates \Program Files\Games\SecureW2 TTLS... as install…
Forum topic
I have a customer having ActiveSync issues and is interested in the following note in the BSP37 release notes:… They are…
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I was recently asked if AirDefense can detect a Pwnie Express.   The simple answer is yes, but there are caveats. Pwnie Express is the first to market drop box platform. …
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Looking for other customers expierences with Opera Mobile Browser. I have a large customer testing it for ES400 use. Curious as to others and the success they may have had. It allows Whitelist and…
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Hello, Would like to know if it is possible to obtain the MAC address of an associated access point using something like GetAdaptors or Collection Metrics and report this in MSP. Fusion reports the…
Forum topic
Has anyone experienced the following when upgrading from WS5100 Ver 2.1.2 to RFS6k Ver 4.3.4. with AP300 Customer has been running with WS5100 2.1.2 with no issues, MC9090's running 2.57.0…
Forum topic
MC55 Flashed with BSP34 Referring to the following settings... Start > Settings > Connetions > Connetions > Advanced > Select Networks Two drop downs in "Network Management" are…
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System Configuration Manager is a utility we provide and it requires the use of device specific templates.  I noticed the absence of a template for the Mk3000 device.  Is anyone aware of a…
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Can anybody recommend the sensors which may be used with XR480 (XRxx)? Motion sensors, infrared sensors/detectors etc.? PMI has lots of XR480 installed in Russian and would like to use external…
Forum topic
Hi, All. As you know setting - memory shows available program memory (RAM). Without any running application(factory default), once it is booted. It shows 33.82Mb (available) but if I am…