Blog entry
In this series, I will guide you in developing your very first RhoElements application. For an we will use an actual app that we developed for our developer conference. The application we will be…
Blog entry
Before we get into coding, let's first download and install RhoElements. After downloading, simply launch the executable and walk through the install wizard. If you connect your device to your…
Blog entry
In this part of the blog series, we will build a simple Hello Scan application and run it on the mobile device. By now you should have and to point to the application that we are going to build. In…
Blog entry
In the of the , we have a basic HTML file (our app) that has placeholders for content and simple javascript functions for enabling the scanner and handling the decode event. In this part of the…
Blog entry
In the of this , we created javascript functions to create the database and associated tables we will be using. We also loaded the Developer Conference session data into the table. In this part of…