Forum topic
My customer wants to connect their MC32 Android to a PC via a USB cable. They want to use USB tethering to transferinformation from the MC32 to the PC and from the PC to the MC32. The problem is…
Forum topic… Pushover: Simple Notifications for Android, iOS, and Desktop Looks like Ruby is supported
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The documentation is inconsistent on the requirements for building for Windows Phone 8. In one place it says you need Visual Studio 2013 Pro. (Sorry, I forget just where I saw this, but it is in the…
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Hi Did install the latest BSP 2.32 on a existing TC55 1D (Rev A) device. After the  OS has been installed the Settings didn't work. I needed to reboot the device. Also after that I tried to…
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Hi, I am facing status bar issue in iOS8. Mean my UI(Sencha touch) events(particularly top bar event) are not firing properly with status bar. If i apply iphone_use_new_ios7_status_bar_style: 1 then…
Forum topic
  Hi, I’ve updated with X1-23257-K-05-04-00-D1.   I’ve’ issue with USB MTP: There is a crash of service when connecting to my PC Same with PTP    Using USB…
Forum topic
We are upgrading from 4.0.0 to 4.1.1 and we need to copy external libraries for our extension. Where do we do this? We used to do this in a rake file: FileUtils.cp(File.join($curdir, 'libs', 'armeabi…
Forum topic
I get an error when I run the following code: > rhodes extension example /Users/janvandijk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:55:in `require': iconv…
Forum topic
How to access a RHOM model from JavaScript created in Ruby? Rho.ORM.getModel not finding the model.
Forum topic
Quick question that should probably be easily answered by someone. I have been developing a JavaScript app and RhoConnect application.  The JavaScript RhoConnect performance has been abominable…