We need your help to decide what to talk about in a breakout session!
I'm asking for your help to find the topics you want to know more about. Take this poll to help direct the conversation.…
There is one developer trying to use the following function:
asl.notify(asl.notifications.application, asl.priority.high, subtitle, title, [“OK”], [function () {test();}],timeout);
we have big trouble with RDP connection from MC92 with WEC 7 to Windows Server 2013.
As RDP client we use cetsc.exe. The connection basically works. It's possible to open a RDP session…
Just wanted to check why there is a difference between the default button mapping for accessing the list of recent apps when comparing the TC70 with the TC55 KitKat? On the TC55 KK OS , the recent…
Has anyone been able to get the PTT Express client fully working on the TC70? When testing in conjunction with a MC2100 I see the following issues:
a) If a group broadcast is made from the 2100 , I…
When testing document capture using the attached Mobile Doc Scanner APK , there is noticeable difference in quality between the TC70 (scan2,pdf) and the TC55 (scan28.pdf). This seems to be due to the…
NFC TagWriter app is attached for NFC read/write testing. Seems to work OK on the TC70 and the antenna is located at the top of the unit near the scan engine which is a better ergonomic than the…
Skype client seems to work well on the TC70 including video via the front and rear facing cameras. Audio can be switched between the top front speaker (handheld mode) and the bottom front speaker (…