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I have installed the Symbol.XamarinEMDK package for a .NET SDK (version 7) application. When I initialise the EMDKManager and run the application, I encounter a Java.Lang.RuntimeException. I have…
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Hello,I can't print cards with portrait orientation with Zebra ZXP series 7 device.Only way i see in sdk doc, ZMotifGraphics.ImageOrientationEnum should be setted while initialiazing  graphics…
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Hello everyone,We are developing a project for reading RFID tags with the FX960 controller and AN480 antennas in manufacturing. Since the antennas are located at specific points in the production…
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Hi i need support for Browserprint library for javascript..From my site that i'm developing i can't see Zebra printers that are linked via USB to a pc of the network and shared...I can see Zebra…
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Problem Statement: Zebra Barcode Scanner DataReceived events not firing by using Scanner SDK for Windows in c# .Net Console App and Windows Form App.Details: I am using below hardware and Packages…
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Using latest stable package on NuGet, 2.16.2905Encountering an issue where a null reference exception occurrs within the SDK. Specifically it occurrs in Zebra.SDK.Comm in DriverPrinterConnection with…
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The latest version of the provided lib does not seem to work with .NET8. When can we expect an new version?
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Dear all,I am trying to connect my software to ZXP Series 3 to encode and print the customer card,I connected the printer (by USB) and setup driver already (can find and encode by PGT software) …
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I want to print some card templates using code. I've tried copying the example code from the SDK documentation, but it just doesn't work.Here's an example of the code I've tried. The code is supposed…
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Has anyone done a successful integration with both the scale  & scanner for the NP700 in C#