Blog entry
DATE: August 24, 2022TIME: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. CDT /  9 a.m. - 12 p.m EST / 6:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. UTC                        …
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Zebra allows customers to write C applications and deploy it as a Debian package to run on the FX7500 RFID reader. They provide a ready-to-download Eclipse environment for building the application (…
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Hi all! I have a react native app and I have to print multiple tags. I also need to get all the TagIds provided by this zpl command: <code>^XA^RFR,H,0,12,2^FN1^FS^HV1,,^FS^XZ</code> (the…
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Has anyone run 123RFID on a Windows11 box successfully? Mine seems really flakey. It will find the RFID reader and display it in the lower box, but when you click the green CONNECT it just flickers…
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I am trying to open a connection to the smartcard reader on a ZXP Series 7. I am using the ZXPSCReader library and trying to use ZXPSCReader.EOE to open the connection over ethernet. I provide it the…
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I am using zebra Linux SDK’s to connect to RFID reader FX9600 and read tags data. Currently we are aiming for deploying our application on Nvidia's Jetson Xavier, an arm64 device but we are…
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Hi all, i have a question about the mc3300xr reader, how can i read the RFID unique id? How can i know in what format is read by the reader? (JSON, string, etc.). Seems that i need to configure…
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I'm following an example I found on for using prefilters, but it isn't working correctly. I'm trying to select a tag by TID so I can make sure I am writing to the…
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Hi, I have a system with PL5000AM and a SE4850 connected to it. Up until now we where integrating it using the SSI, however, I wanted to try the Linux SDK to build some plug-and-play driver to…
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We are developing App for MC3390R and capturing Rfid data, But. our customer has a Web development that runs in the MC3390R. The question is: Is possible to capture Rfid data (one tag) on the screen…