Zebra at Droidcon Tel Aviv 2019

December 19th marks the first time Zebra will be sponsoring Droidcon Tel Aviv! Droidcon Tel Aviv was first hosted in 2014 and they have been steadily growing their presence in the Droidcon world ever since.
As always, we will be there to showcase our android, printing and cloud portfolio by running demos, exhibiting hardware and guiding attendees through our recently launched Savanna Data Services cloud solution.
Our Solutions Architect, Darryn Campbell, will also be hosting a 20-minute talk on “Doing Work in the Background: Where Implementation Meets Theory”. Darryn will discuss some of the customer scenarios he has come across where the official advice for handling background work was insufficient and more innovative solutions had to be found.
As mentioned, this is Zebra’s first appearance at Droidcon Tel Aviv, so we hope to meet plenty of new faces - if you find yourself there please come by our booth and say hello!

James Swinton-Bland