Zebra Web Printing Solutions

Gloria Moreno -

To more effectively work across multiple operating systems and utilize the cloud, developers are increasingly building web-based or hybrid (web / native OS) apps.

Unfortunately, many operating systems limit the connections between a browser and peripheral devices, such as a printer. This presents a significant challenge to developers.

This Zebra Application Note document outlines the following options that enable you to create apps with bi-directional communications between your app and the printer.

  • TCP/IP Back – End
  • Cloud Connect
  • Browser Print
  • Enterprise Browser
  • RhoMobile
  • URL Schema

Each section contains:

  • An overview of the solution
  • Process Flow
  • Use cases
  • If available, reference information and sample code

For more information, review the Zebra Web Printing Solutions Application Note document.

Tell us about your use case for web printing and help us create the next set of tools and functionality.


Gloria Moreno

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17 Replies

A Aykut Ucar

I have to agree with Amit.
We are trying to implement Cloud Printing with Weblink and we are pretty lost.
There are no C# examples for weblink endpoint or how to implement printing with websockets in Microsot environment.
They were really helpful though when I asked them about a SSL certificate setup in IIS.
We could really use some help on how to implement a Websocket endpoint in C# and send a ZPL code to a printer to print a label. (ZT230).

M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

Hi Aykut,

Did you have the opportunity to review the document on the link below?
<a href="https://km.zebra.com/kb/index?page=content&amp;id=WH130">Zebra Technologies - Weblink WebSocket Endpoint Configuration</a>


D Dave Allen

Hi there,

I'm trying to do something I thought would be incredibly easy, but I'm stumped.&nbsp; We've built a web app that runs on an Android mobile device.&nbsp; We need to print out a page on the web app, either onload, or by pressing print.&nbsp; We cant save it as a pdf then load it on another program to print it.&nbsp; We can connect to the Zebra ZQ520 without issue, but can't print a simple webpage.

Browser Print doesn't help as there's no android client.&nbsp;

I didn't anticipate an issue with this.&nbsp; I thought a simple print of a&nbsp; webpage would be easy.&nbsp; Can you show me where to go for assistance?

A Alex Whittle

Hi Manuel,

I’ve emailed the ISV Support email regarding access to the Browser Print Android Beta, is this something you’re able to help with?

Many Thanks,


M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

Hi Alex,

We are processing your request. You will receive a notification soon.



A Alex Whittle

Hi Manuel,

Thanks for the update. As mentioned our clients are very keen to use Zebra products but browser printing is very important functionality so at the moment this is a complete showstopper for them.

Much appreciated,


A Alex Whittle

Did you ever get any where with this?&nbsp; We're doing exactly the same and completely baffled how to progress?

M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

Hi Dave &amp; Alex,

The first solution that covers this spectrum of the use cases is Enterprise Browser, but it will work only on Zebra Mobile Computers. Please, check the link below for more info on this.

<a href="https://www.zebra.com/us/en/products/software/mobile-computers/mobile-a… Browser | Zebra</a>

Also, we are developing a prototype of browser print for Android, but it is only available to our Zebra ISVs for testing the beta version. If you are not an ISV member, you can do the registration free on the link below. When you are selecting "kind of partner", please, choose the ISV option.
<a href="http://partnerapply.zebra.com/">Become a Partner</a>

If you are already a partner, please, send me an email to <a href="mailto:ISV_NALA_Support@zebra.com">ISV_NALA_Support@zebra.com</a&gt; to process your request for Browser Print Android Beta.


D Darryn Campbell

Hi Alex,
Please, send us an email to <a href="mailto:ISV_NALA_Support@zebra.com">ISV_NALA_Support@zebra.com</a&gt; to review you case in detail.


B Bruno Simoes


Thanks so much for the sharing!

Just a question, is there some option to use Browser Print with GC420t (EPS) from local usb?
I´m facing some problems with that and not get printed!

Thanks so much!

M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera


You should not have any problem. However, we just released latest version last week on <a href="https://www.zebra.com/us/en/products/software/barcode-printers/link-os/… Print Product Page</a>

This release v <strong></strong> includes the following changes:
<li>The MAC installer is now signed.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue on MAC where the app could crash when switching USB connected printers.</li>
<li>Corrected an issue where some Chinese and Korean characters did not print.</li>
<li>Enhanced the demo application.</li>
<li>Improved behavior of the settings window on MAC so it appears in front of the active program.</li>
<li>HTTPS no longer uses a self-signed certificate. This removes the need to accept the certificate and removes the “Insecure” warning browsers displayed when using the self-signed certificate.</li>

A Anh Nguyen

We have an 170xiiii plus printer connect through usb port to a computer in our company LAN network.
Which are the solutions available to print from a web app?

A Aykut Ucar

Yes, that one and 'Using Weblink section of the zpl-zbi2-pm-en.pdf are the only helpful documents.
A C# sample code would be helpful like you provided with Java.
I am getting an error in the logs (Weblink disabled) and don't know what that means since there is no documentation for that.
Here is my printer log.
I excluded the location part for security reasons but it is in the email that I sent you.
Thank you for your help.

weblink.logging.entries : [03-11-2016 12:02:42.775][Info][00001002][Weblink] Starting Weblink for Connection 1
[03-11-2016 12:02:42.792][Info][00001005][Weblink] Weblink disabled

weblink.logging.max_entries : 100 , Choices: 0-10000
weblink.ip.conn1.location :XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
weblink.ip.conn1.retry_interval : 10 , Choices: 1-600
weblink.ip.conn1.proxy :&nbsp;
weblink.ip.conn1.maximum_simultaneous_connections : 10 , Choices: 1-100
weblink.ip.conn1.authentication.entries :&nbsp;
weblink.ip.conn1.test.location : <a href=""></a&gt;
weblink.ip.conn1.test.test_on : failure , Choices: off,failure,interval,both
weblink.ip.conn1.test.retry_interval : 900 , Choices: 1-1800
weblink.ip.conn1.num_connections : 0
weblink.ip.conn2.location :&nbsp;
weblink.ip.conn2.retry_interval : 10 , Choices: 1-600
weblink.ip.conn2.proxy :&nbsp;
weblink.ip.conn2.maximum_simultaneous_connections : 10 , Choices: 1-100
weblink.ip.conn2.authentication.entries :&nbsp;
weblink.ip.conn2.test.location : <a href="http://www.zebra.com/apps/linktest">http://www.zebra.com/apps/linktest<…;
weblink.ip.conn2.test.test_on : failure , Choices: off,failure,interval,both
weblink.ip.conn2.test.retry_interval : 900 , Choices: 1-1800
weblink.ip.conn2.num_connections : 0
weblink.cloud_connect.enable : on , Choices: on,off
weblink.cloud_connect.status : NOT ACTIVE
weblink.cloud_connect.connection_key : 0000000000
weblink.cloud_connect.configuration_key : 0000000000
weblink.cloud_connect.configuration_confirmation : none , Choices: none,accept,reject,complete

A Amit Pandya

Nice Article, but now a days all the web pages served by https protocols, even zebra. I'm sorry to say but zebra not&nbsp; talking very details how to use in printers. not even specs. Even I'm seeing those details are missing from this page.

A topic is Web Printing, that details should cover in this post.

M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

Hi Amit,

Thank you for your feedback, we are trying to document existing solutions and new Zebra solutions that our developers could implement for their projects with web-apps. This PDF document is a high level overview article. However, we added for each topic multiples links that apply to specific uses cases with sample code.

We will be happy to know if you have a particular interest in one of the options we described in the article, so we can work with you in the specific use case in detail, or we can provide you with additional information if you need it.



A Alex Whittle

Hi Manual,

Thanks for your response. I have completed the initial partner application forms.

We are working with a global engineering company to develop a cloud based solution for their entire workforce and have been looking to use Zebra as our choice of mobile printer. However, without browser print for Android functionality they will be looking at other suppliers and products.

If there is any way you could provide us with access to the prototype application we can try to convince them to stick with Zebra products as a solution is being developed. We would however need to be able to demonstrate some progress so access to the prototype (with a full understanding that it is only a prototype) would be very helpful.



A Alex Whittle

Hi Manuel,

Done, thanks again for your help.
