Now What? - Getting Started with Printing
We’ve all been there. You start your day with a nice cup of coffee and start clicking through the emails. Suddenly your boss shows up and says “Our biggest customer asked for feature X. Make it happen.” Normally a quick Google search will get you started, but this time he also drops a stumper on you.He puts a box on your desk. Maybe it’s old looking or just newly shipped. You tentatively peek inside to see a strange device. He tells you it’s a printer. It doesn’t look like any printer you’ve seen. You’ve been told you need to make your app print an inventory label or a receipt with it. Now what? Where do you even start?
Zebra has just published a new guide just for those of you who have never worked with a Zebra printer before. It guides you through step by step initial set up of your printer and making sure it can communicate the way you want it, through creating your first printing app. We hope you find it useful.
P.S. The first step is not- plug the printer into the computer.
Robin West
Solution Architect
Zebra Technologies ISV

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It seems that the pdf guide isn't available on the server.
The requested URL '/content/dam/zebra/software/en/application-notes/getting-started-with-zebra-printers-and-apps-app-note.pdf' was not found on this server.