Printers and Device Management

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

When people think of remote device management (RDM), they don’t think about printers much.  Many companies use RDM to manage their secure data on employee mobile phones.  They use these systems to remotely wipe data if an employee leaves, or it’s stolen. They also use them to update applications, content, connectivity settings, view statuses, and troubleshoot issues.

Black Friday - Was Your App Ready?

Submitted by cfh463 on

Last week, 'Black Friday' kicked off the official start of the holiday shopping madness and if you are like me, the credit card barely stayed in the wallet. I think between my wife and I, we wore out the poor mag stripe on the back of our cards. I would be curious to see the stats from banks on orders of replacement cards in early December, because the stats on the amount of purchase seems to be staggering each year. In the midst of all of this shopping madness, I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about how you can easily 'Payment Enable' your RhoMobile application.