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Overview   If you’re not familiar with OEMInfo, this is a service that has been introduced by Zebra a couple of years ago when Google decided with Android 10 to limit how applications can obtain…
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Need instructions on how to pass user credentials from an app like Imprivata OneSign to the latest version of EB, so that our users can log into the device and open the MER without having to…
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I'm currently working on integrating the new PS30 into our fleet of PS20 units and have found a difference in the Android lifecycle behaviour with the new PS30.Each time the PS30 is inserted into the…
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We have upgraded our Zebra TC52 device from Android 11 to Android 13. We have developed our application to bind service com.symbol.mxmf.MxFrameworkService in Android 11. After upgrading device from…
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Revised Feb24: added method of converting PFD417 files to QRCode directly on a PC (without scanning the barcode) Overview StageNow generates only PDF417 barcodes by default which are relatively low…
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I am experiencing an issue with the remote access function on the Zebra TC21(Build number 13-20.02.00-TG-U01-STD-HEL-04) device operating on Android 13. Our system includes an MDM application and the…
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Hello,We have an Android app which uses the PrintConnect app to handle connecting to receipt printers. After the recent update to support Android 13, we are finding that the callback function…
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Understanding Secure Storage Manager (SSM) Secure Storage Manager (SSM) is a powerful tool designed by Zebra Technologies to address and overcome storage-related concerns. In essence, SSM provides a…
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Any status on the new version of PrintConnect for an Android 13? 
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Hi all, there is a way to retrieve from Zebra device connected the list of profile installed on it and switch beetween them?I have a general class with GetAvailableProfiles method in my Maui solution.