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Hi   This might be a simple question, but I need your clarification. I usually see “AAP adopted, Both Portals Configured” through CLI. Now I am seeing  “AAP adopted, Portal #1 Configured…
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The attached are slide decks that were shared at the North American Sales Conference that was held the second week of Feb -2010 in Orlando. Topics include: -NA TA Roles and Responsibilties - Glenna…
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Has anyone been successful in pairing the DS3478 to an XP PC? I was given the LS3578 notes by support, but this isn't working. Any special settings on the XP bluetooth side?
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Is it possible to reboot the MK500 using a combination of key presses with the three programmable keys?  As this device is replacing the MK1250s which had that feature and was used by the…
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Hi, Can somebody advise when next maintenance release for MC75 WM6.1 is planned? My customer is currenty loading 2.35.0001 and then having to apply 3-4 patches. I am hoping that these will be…
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Hi,all, The P/N "MC9090-GK0HJEF R6US" is not exist now in solution builder, what P/N is similar as it ?  And what's the meaning of R6 ?( now it is C6 or A6 ) Thanks all ! Silver
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Hi, Does anybody know the capability of the imminent MC75A with regard to DPM? Will it read some DPM codes? Will there be a DPM specific model? I need the answer for an RFP response.…
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Hi all I am looking for a document that details the BSP process: - How a BSP is constructed: decision to incorporate MS AKUs; drivers patches (RIL, WIFI, ....) - Certification LTK process - How…
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Has anyone been seeing opportunities/customers that have been asking about the following WPAN technologies in our products:   1.  IEEE-802.15.4/Zigbee 2.  TransferJet…
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According to PMB1755 one of the features is: "Availability of Motorola Service Center Operating System swap (CE WM)". Has anyone taken advantage of this? Is there a cost to the customer? Any…