Forum topic
Hey team... Has anyone tried the RS507 pairing to a Vocollect Talkman T5? We have a partner here in Oz who is selling LXE8650 BT scanners for this application, and we would love to displace that…
Forum topic
Hi Guys, The customer wants to read the barcodes locating them close to the red plastic piece whcih protects the scanner window of the MK500 (Short distance to the imager). Do you have any idea…
Forum topic
Does anybody know what is the level of SAP support (Netweaver version) from our MCs? Is there any documentation that one can refer to, for instance? Netweaver v7.0 and 7.1 are the ones I am most…
Forum topic
Does anybody know what is the level of SAP support (Netweaver version) from our MCs? Is there any documentation that one can refer to, for instance? Netweaver v7.0 and 7.1 are the ones I am most…
Forum topic
I'm trying to install 123Scan2 v1.02.0005.exe and once it's installed I try to run it and get the popup error message: The Scanner Service Provider was not installed properly. Please restart and…
Forum topic
Customer complains for week display when working outside  in the sun. I am trying to work with system & SW settings to improve this.   Do we have some kind of…
Forum topic
On Page 15 of the new PTP Sync Installation Guide (phn-1613-004v000) It details the maximum cable lengths as shown below. Can someone please verfiy this is the case? If so it seems the maximum length…
Forum topic
I have a customer that would like to disable the  "This is not a secure page; do you wish to continue?" prompts that pops up when viewing webpages.
Forum topic
On Page 15 of the new PTP Sync Installation Guide (phn-1613-004v000) It details the maximum cable lengths as shown below. Can someone please verfiy this is the case? If so it seems the maximum length…
Forum topic
Team, I just upgraded a 320 AP from version 3.1 to e1.0.1 using CNUT, seems everything went through, except now is not showing the active either inactive version. CNUT output: 04/30/10 10:07:08…