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Team, Can you please help me with a solution to avoid low memory issue in SB1. I have developed an application using HTML,JAVASCRIPT AND JQUERY and the file resides locally in the device. The alert…
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Hi, Strange question but anyone have ideas about using a LS3578 to scan into a Intermec CV60? The device connects over BT but no scanned data is passed. All works ok if I scan with the cradle…
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Hi all, is there a doc where there is an association Scan Engine (type) - to MCD/ADC? (pubblic view) Bye. Alberto.
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Hello again! We seem to have some issues when using RhoMobile and the Camera API on iOS and Android devices. We access the Camera with either of the following options: # When the user clicks the "…
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Hi Team, I can't change ip address on the Web UI although i had commit & save 
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Hi Team, I can't change ip address on the Web UI although i had commit & save 
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Hi Team I have a customer RAM Couriers who wants to set up a security feature on their MC67's which will allow the user to press a single button to generate a alert. They want to send a…
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Hi all, please...can you suggest me an Internet Explorer for the the core image there is not a browser. Thank you.
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My customer is using Data Matrix bar code which contains ISO/IEC 15434 characters,These specific ASCII characters are termed "non-printable control characters". For a example, Group Separator=0x1D.(…
Forum topic
Hi, does someone has an overview which Fusion version on different device types supports SHA-2. Thanks Thomas