Forum topic
Is there any way to set the page width and height within the driver? Or possibly choose the stock. I have a service that prints labels (created as Crystal Reports) and I need a way to change the size…
Forum topic
I have the following line of code: ^FO20,525,0^A0N,36,40^TBN,700,600^FH^FD_22There_27s a saying. If you want someone to love you forever, buy a dog, feed it and keep it around._22^FS Which on the…
Forum topic
In the attached except from the ZPL Programmers manual, it shows both manual commands to switch between subsets A,B, and C. I understand the reason for switching between these sets but I'm unsure if…
Forum topic
I'm a developer I have the following environment: A- Zebra ZD500R (passive RFID printer) Windows 10 with Zebra connected to USB B- Azure system with Windows Server 2019 and connections using Terminal…
Forum topic
For some weird reason it is always the same part missing from the print: Sometimes Hauler, Driver, Truck etc gets dropped from print. But the QR code and barcode do not get dropped. ^XA^POI^MNV^…
Forum topic
I have a ZPL object, but I would like to add a users signature to an existing ZPL object/string. Would anyone know how to achieve this? This would be for an Android devices.
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Is it possible to change a font size based on the amount of text in a line in ZPL? I have a text block that if a customer name is too long spills out of the box. I would like the font size to be…
Forum topic
We are finding that setting the printer response time and initial timeout is causing operations to be very slow. With the below code - thePrinterConn.SendAndWaitForResponse(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(…
Forum topic
Hi, Tested in GK420t, ZTC ZD420 I came across a strange issue that FB commands are not being printed after X number of labels are completed, during a Batch succession of Single-label print. Attached…
Blog entry
Effective August 31, 2020, printers will now load and enable PDF Direct emulation for free after these have been updated with Link-OS 6.3.  The feature was formerly…