DevTalk: How Zebra & Xamarin Will Help You Build Enterprise Android Apps Using C#
Building C# applications for enterprise grade Android devices just go a whole lot easier. In this DevTalk, see how to use Xamarin SDK's provided by Zebra Technologies to build Android applications using device API's and integrated printing.
Topics Covered
- What is the Link-OS Xamarin SDK?
- Best Practices for Printing Apps
- Logic Workflow for Incorporating Printing
- Printer Discovery
- Selecting and Connecting to a Printer
- Checking and Seting the Printer Language
- Getting Format Data Fields
- Inputing Dynamic Data
- Checking Status Prior to Printing
- Recalling ZPL Format and Print
- Checking Status after Printing
- EMDK for Xamarin Setup
- IDE Extension Menu
- Installing the EMDk Component
- Implementing IEMDKListener Interface
- Requesting the EMDK API Instance Object ( ProfieManager )
- ProfieManager ProcessProfile()
- Cleaning up ProfileManager References
- Requesting EMDK API Instance Object ( BarcodeManger )
- Scanner Init()
- Using the Scanner
- Scanner DeInit()
- BarcodeManger OnPause() / OnResume()
- Cleaning up EMDK Object References

Robert Galvin