DEV { TALK } – August 17th – Want to connect a Raspberry Pi to Zatar?

Gloria Moreno -

The promise of the Internet of Things is vast, yet currently it’s still a challenge to get small, embedded devices connected to the Cloud. ARM is making this easier by making available free open-sourced software called ARM mBed Client. This C++ code can be made to run on many device types.


We will demonstrate how to use it on a Raspberry Pi to connect this small Linux computer to Zebra’s Zatar Cloud, providing near real-time bidirectional access and control.


Thank you to all who joined us to learn more about this innovative technology!

Please find the slides attached and the video below.


Gloria Moreno

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3 Replies

t testtt test

Petr, I am hoping to have the recording posted later today.

t testtt test

The video has been added to the post and to the Dev Talks playlist on YouTube: <a href="">Z… DEV { TALK } - Connecting a Raspberry Pi to Zatar - YouTube</a>

P Petr Stejskal

I can't find the link for the recording of this webinar, am I blind or isn't it here yet? :-)