DEVTALK Wednesday, December 13th 10 AM CDT -  Integrating Zebra Printers with Windows Via the New Link-OS C# SDK

Stacey Kruczek -

Dive into the new SDK update in our December DEVTALK ! We'll walk through code samples, best practices, tips and tricks and how to write apps for Windows desktop.

Presented by our Zebra Developer Team members: Robin West, Software Architect

Attached are the presentation and sample code created during the session.


Stacey Kruczek

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8 Replies

t testtt test

Hola Omar,

Por favor, puedes seguir el link de abajo, ahi te damos una lista de 5 pasos para que rapidamente puedas desarrollar tus aplicaciones con nuestros SDKs y nuestras impresoras Link-OS
<a href></a>​

A Adel Sari

is there a link-os Status Channel on iOS ?

on Android i check the printer status via the status channel, before sending a job, like that:
<em>Connection btStatusConnection = new BluetoothStatusConnection(theBtMacAddress);</em>
<em>ZebraPrinter printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getLinkOsPrinter(connection, PrinterLanguage.ZPL);</em>
<em>if (null == printer) {</em>
<em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(PrinterLanguage.ZPL, connection);</em>
<em>PrinterStatus printerStatus = printer.getCurrentStatus();</em>

How can i achieve the same practice on iOS


A Adel Sari

Hi Steven,
Thanks for your help,
i am already using the connection channel to check the status before sending a job,
but for performance reasons (time &amp; motion) i prefer using the status channel like with Android version, but, unfortunately it's not build on link-os iOS version.

Hopefully, it will be provided in the next versions of link-os for iOS platform

K Karim Yunis

Hola, necesito saber como imprimir en una impresora zebra desde una aplicación windows form con C# y Visual Studio 2015


r roberto cottone

Hi Everyone, I posted the sample code that goes with this video on Github as well:
<a href="">GitHub - Zebra/devtalks at 121317-LinkOS_CSharp</a>
Thanks - Robin

r roberto cottone

Hi Adel,

Unlike on Android, the Link-OS SDK only provides one Bluetooth channel on iOS. So both status and ZPL print on iOS share the same Bluetooth channel on iOS. There are some sample code <a href="/community/technologies/printers/label-printers/blog/2017/11/01/ios-11-bluetooth-disconnection-issues-with-zebra-printers#comment-3443">here</a> to illustrating how to check the status on iOS over the Bluetooth. The status checking part in the sample code is between the line 59 and the line 73.

o omar flores

estoy intentando realizar la impresion desde una appa android a una impresora zebra wz320 no se si podria ayudarme

M Michael Liu


Where can I download the code used in this video?

Thank you,
Michael Liu