Camera SDK APIs
zebra camera multi-client API is not thread-safe and it is not safe to use from different threads even with locking.
Asset Tracking APIs
Once an object of ‘ZebraCameraClient’ is created, user is able to retrieve camera asset information such as the serial number, model number, date of manufacture, date of first program, first service date, firmware version, and hardware version of an MP7 device.
Camera Processing Unit
Properties and the corresponding property values of Camera specification such as Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness , Gamma, White Balance and Backlight can be obtained by the user with the code snippets and the explainations provided below.
Absolute Exposure Time
As described in the sections above, an object of type ‘ZebraCameraClient’ is created as the first step.
Absolute Exposure Time
Value set for the Video mode can be retrieved with an object of type ‘ZebraCameraClient’.
Firmware Update
Described below is the way in which the firmware update can be done using the SDK.
Bounding Box Implementation
In the GUI, a ‘CheckBox’ is provided for the user to enable/disable the bounding box feature....
Video Profile Property
Video Profile property drop down is populated at the beginning with a call to GetSupportedFrameTypes(). Based on the user choice, video profile of the camera is changed using SetCurrentFrameType(..).
Create a C++ application with a preferred IDE. In this example, IDE ‘CodeBlocks’ has been used.
MP7 Mass Storage Configuration Instructions
Configuration Instructions for Saving Monochrome Images
Changes Introduced with Multiclient Approach
Listed below are some of the API calls that underwent changes with the introduction of the Multiclient approach. User may locate the following API s in ‘zebra_camera_client.h’ file.
Multiclient Sample Test App
Given below is a code snippet of the test app written for the purpose of testing and verification of the API calls. The way in which the’ ZebraCameraManagerClient’ object is created is shown by the lines
Following a testing phase, where Action looked at solutions from two suppliers, Centric is now installing Zebra’s MP7000 at checkout in all new and refurbished Action stores for high-volume product scanning. For larger and heavier items, which are not placed on the POS conveyor belt, cashiers use the linked Zebra DS4308 Handheld Scanners to scan barcodes. The scanners link into the CTAC Retail Suite POS software Action has deployed, which in turn links into Action’s SAP back office systems.
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