Welcome to the API Sandbox!
We value your input, and want to work together to expand Data Services to enable you to better capture your edge. The Sandbox is where we'll work together to share ideas, and innovate new API's s, but before we begin, take some time to learn about our API innovation philosophy.
Our validation process moves through three phases: Ideas, Concepts, and Prototypes.

ecosystem-white.png, by admin2
Phase One - Ideas
An idea is a simple description, in the form of a sentence, plus simple data inputs and outputs, that describes a new API. Members can submit their ideas, up-vote the ideas they like, and down-vote the ideas they don't. Ideas with the highest vote total move on to phase two.
Phase Two - Concepts
A concept is an API blueprint, created using the Open API specification, (Swagger), based on an idea that becomes a public discussion forum for the community to refine and develop the API definition. Members will provide feedback, and can volunteer to contribute to the concept creation. Concepts will be functioning API's with hard-coded 'mock' data, and will be validated based on participation of the community.
Phase Three - Prototypes
Successful concepts with validated interest and proven value will move to the prototype phase where a functional prototype is built to demonstrate usage and collect feedback for iterative development. The prototype will prove out the API architecture in our Savanna R&D lab to identify the best approach for an enterprise-grade service. Members will provide feedback, and may contribute to development. Market validation of prototypes will be done with API keys and usage statistics. Validated prototypes will be considered for inclusion in our platform roadmap for commercial delivery in a future release.