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Hi, Has anyone had a customer install the Click Mobility application on MC55 devices ( We have a new install running on…
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Hi Group, exists the scan parameter 'Timeout Between Decodes' on the MK500? How to configure? Achim
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1.  3:03 PM 3/31/2010 2.  VC5090 3.  CE 5.0 BSP 35 4.  2106536 Sysco foods is upgrading all of their VC5090 devices from BSP 26 to BSP 35.  Their application was…
Forum topic
Hello, I am the product manager for the Rugged Cabled Headset (RCH50). I would like to get feedback from the field regarding the rugged headset. The feedback that I am looking for is as follows:…
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Customer has installed 26 AP7131N AAP connecting to a RFS6000. The customer is running a Citrix application on Panasonic Laptops.  The issue is the Citrix applicaton has occasional slow…
Forum topic
Guys, There are some known issues: Ref # 745 = 5Mhz channel is not recommended for e.1.0.1 since has decreased sensitivity Ref # 261 = 55/45% ratio not working with 5/10Mhz channel I´m…
Forum topic
Hi. One of our customers is experiencing a link reset every 24h. on a PTP100 when encryption is on. (Rel 9.5 used), and is not really happy. I know this is an old issue but I thought it was…
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Has anyone tried to deploy and manage Wavelink Speakeasy using MSP?  If so do you know which files from SpeakEasy need to be downloaded to each device?
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My MCD Monthly OS Matrix
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Hi Team, My customer would like to have an alternative solution to Vocollect for Voice Receiving. Does anyone know if our other voice solution partners (Lucas, Wavelink Speakeasy, etc…