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Required ESN - Device Serial number on Android 13. Below are the application-related specifications we are currently using. compileSdk: 35minSdk: 29targetSdk: 34We have already tried the…
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I need some help with this ERDP (rdp) client.i would like to know if there is an option or way to assign a client name for the device in the ERDP xml config.Thanks 
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Hello Teami need to TID value from RFID tag using Datawedge to browser (using javascript for my DNN web)I am using TC53E-RFID device.can you please suggest how to configure Datawedge profile for this…
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MC9400 Android 13 w/ EB running in MobiControl environmentIn my .NET web app, I've tried to implement the Imager API Tutorial (…
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Overview This blog details how to use a simple freeware HTTP server PC app to act a file server for StageNow profiles e.g. an OS update profile. This has two main advantages over using the integrated…
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HelloI am cordova developer.i tryed to get key code value for Hardware yellow button left and right using "keydown" event but always return  key: "Unidentified" and keyCode: 0"keydown" even>…
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Overview   When Android Marshmallow (6.0) was released, Google introduced the runtime permission system. This change aimed to give users more control and transparency over how apps receive…
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I am developing an Android inventory app in Kotlin for Zebra TC21 devices, and I would like to configure a Datawedge profile programmatically. I need to scan qr codes with the integrated scanner, and…
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Overview This web-browser hosted applet will allow XML exported from StageNow Desktop to be easily loaded, optionally combined and/or modified and deployed for testing on a Zebra device using ADB to…
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So our outfit requires TAA-compliant devices. No discussion, no pushback. It's either TAA or it won't get bought, period. As I understand, the -FT at the end of the SKU indicated FIPS/TAA compliance…