Forum topic
Hello, I designed a label with Zebra Designer for Developers. I could test print it from there on a ZT411 300dpi, with default values for the variables. I am now trying to print it from .Net 5 code,…
Forum topic
Hello All, I have not found a discussion which resolved this issue, though I cannot guarantee I checked everything. I am developing an application using .net 6 and the LINK OS SDK SdkApi.Desktop.Usb.…
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What is the recommended path for porting a Windows CE .NET application from the MC65 family of devices?
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Since Xamarin.Forms only has service releases until Nov 2022, which is due to be superseded by .NET MAUI. Will Zebra continue providing the Xamarin EMDK beyond that date and will Zebra's EMDK…
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What i try to do is to merge an XML file with data and a ZPL file template (created with Zebra Designer for developers) to create a ready-to-print file (or directly print it). I was using XMLPrinter…
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Hello, I have developed a test application for printing labels. Sometimes it prints like a charm, sometimes it doesn't print anything and just throws exceptions like "Malformed Multipart Form Data"…
Forum topic
Trying the Zebra.Printer.SDK in a .net framework 4.7 project it works fine with version 2.15.2634 but in a .net core 2.2 application using the .net standard 2.0 version of the nuget package no…
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Is it possible to use the sdk with apps targeting versions of .Net Framework lower than 4.7? For instance, my app targets .Net 4.5 and I'd like to update it without forcing the users to update the .…
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I am using Zebra SDK v2.15.2634 to develop Xamarin.Android application. It looks good until I try to execute following line: var btAddress = "48:A4:93:89:63:97";…
Forum topic
Hi! I have a problem. In the current Nuget Zebra.Printer.SDK (2.15.2634) is not providing UsbDiscoverer and DiscoveredPrinterDriver and DiscoveredUsbPrinter in try {…