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1) Time/Date 11/1/12 2) Response time 4hr 3) Product MC55A0 4) OS Version BSP34 5) Clarify Case # 2712964 Is there a way to remap the Drive names - such as Application, Storage Card, etc…
Forum topic
Has anyone seen a 'Prefetch Abort' exception while stepping thru code in debug mode in VS 2008? This occurs with an MK3190 (MPA 3.0; OS is WEC 7) connected to a Windows 7 PC, running VS 2008 with…
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Hello,   I'm trying to develop an application on the WT4100 (which runs Windows Compact 7), that needs to use an on-device database. On previous Windows CE/Mobile we could use SQLCE v3.5 (C:\…
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I am trying to migrate an existing VB.NET desktop application to work on a Windows CE device. The application currently runs on Windows XP but I need it to run with minimal rework on a Motorola…
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Is it at all possible to post the latest WM/CE cab files and the APK posted somewhere so I can share the runtime without needing to download a 350Meg file, uninstall my existing instance, re-install…
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I need some help, Windows CE 5.0 the onboard Internet Explorer is detected as a mobile browser from a customer´s  a corporate portal therefore disabling several options, other browsers…
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Hi I want to know how to build .cab file for SB1 app to deploy in device using FTP SB1 Client. What is the min/max versions of Visual Studio version required ? Where can I find the documentation…
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Hi,   I have a problem when i scan a Bar Code using the "Soft trigger", i cannot handle the callback when using the "Soft trigger".   what i need to do: i have about 10 fields, when i open…
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Which version of EMDK for .Net can be used to develop on MC9190Z and what type of emulators shall be used?
Forum topic
I am using the EMDK 2.8 for .net.  When I run the CS_RFIDSample on my MC9090-G, I get the error: Can't find an Entry Point 'RFID_Connect' in a PInvoke DLL 'rfidapi32.dll'.   The only thing…