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I'm following an example I found on for using prefilters, but it isn't working correctly. I'm trying to select a tag by TID so I can make sure I am writing to the…
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In my barcode contains a Norwegian character (Ålesund). But while scanning it on the Zebra device I am not getting the letter (Å) instead I am getting something like this (�lesund). The configuration…
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Hello. I have a Zebra ZQ220 CPCL printer. I designed my receipt like below. I trimmed it for posting here. ! 0 200 200 1550 1 ENCODING ASCII T TH12.CPF 0 125 180 Tahsilat Makbuzu T TH8.CPF 0 1 225…
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Hi Developer bluetooth experts. I am developing an android app in Xamarin and I have to print using ZPL. I can get it to print my label using classic bluetooth on a ZT410 (has bluetooth 2.0) I can…
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I have a TC26 from Zebra and the built in Scanner works fine in my Xamarin App. Now I want to change some Setting on Startup of my App. I followed this tutorial:…
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As we can see from the EMDK documentation and sample application on Github, we need to "wire up" the Android lifecycle events (ie: onResume, onStart, etc...) to the EMDK so we properly…
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I've been trying to connect a TC77 with a HS3100 via bluetooth, which I'm planning to use for a prototype for voice picking. The HS31000 connects properly, but does not receive any audio…
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I create a new Xamarin Forms Project I add a reference to XamarinZebraRFID.dll (version 32) in the android project as described in…
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Since Xamarin.Forms only has service releases until Nov 2022, which is due to be superseded by .NET MAUI. Will Zebra continue providing the Xamarin EMDK beyond that date and will Zebra's EMDK…
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Hi, I'm building an application that supports Zebra Rfid devices (currently an RFD8500) using the Xamarin Android SDK. Currently using version as causes a manifest conflict…