Weblink WebSocket Endpoint Configuration

Gloria Moreno -

This Application Note describes how to configure a standard websocket server to communicate with Zebra Link-OS printers. It contains information showing how to configure a websocket server and create initial communications to a printer.


This paper is for developers and other IT personnel who wish to:

  • Print labels, invoices, receipts, or encode RFID tags from their web pages.
  • Create a secure and encrypted connection to Zebra printers from either an on premise webserver or a cloud based webserver.



You must have a working knowledge of websockets and want to create a websocket connection using PHP, .NET, or other development environments.


If you want to know about the Zebra Weblink Servlet to use Websockets in Java, see this blog.  We provide a basic server and API's to enable your development.


Note:  This document does not cover Zebra Card printers.


Read this Application Note


Gloria Moreno

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