SEVT-RFID Meeting Notes 2015-09-02
EMEA | Azdine Amoura | X |
EMEA | Benny Karlsson | |
EMEA | Cengiz Dolunay | X |
EMEA | Charles Worm | X |
EMEA | Craig Hardy | |
EMEA | Echeve | |
EMEA | Ian Sherwood | |
EMEA | Isakov Nikolay | |
EMEA | Jiri Novotny | X |
EMEA | Markus Wass | |
EMEA | Novotny Jiri | |
EMEA | Pete Walsh | X |
EMEA | Piotr Miszczak | |
EMEA | Roberto Donolato | |
EMEA | Samir Laissouf | |
EMEA | Zsolt Nagy | |
LA - North | Miguel Munoz | |
LA - South | Levi Lima Jr | |
Mgr | Tom Panariello | |
NA - Channel | Bill Ferguson | X |
NA - Channel | John Saeger | |
NA - Channel | Randy David | |
NA - Channel | Serge Larose | X |
NA - MFG | Jesse Spence | |
NA - Retail | Chris Sather | X |
NA - Retail | Kris Hobbs | |
NA - T&L | Brian Safran | |
NA - T&L | Nick Ford |
Meeting Notes - Raw
When can we expect to have demo units of the RFD8500 (SLED) readers available
CW - Allison is trying to arrange..
CS - Altaf is managing each individual unit closely now... meeting w him next week when he's back..
not sure will RPMs manage that..
me - yes we need demo/test units..
CS - I need understanding of who will really need / deserves.. GET A LIST
product goes GA Oct 18 ... easier as date nears..
you will need mobile dice an DEMO CODE .. MC40, TC55, mayby iPhone. to Demo the SLED
Group - mobile units separate.. we will get those
CS - the 2 partners who have done dev work are Checkpoint and Tyco .. have demo apps..
use AppGallery?? -- that's an Altaf thing
SEVT RFID SUMMIT PLAN, October 21 - 23 in Rockville, MD
Dates are firm .. waiting for SE Directors to Identify individuals who may travel
This is Wed-Fri after Mon-Tuesday DCS Summit in Holtsville..
if you attend both, suggest using SouthWest airlines from Islip/MacArthur airport (very near Holtsville office)
there is a flight at about 6:30 PM to Rockville
ACTION: Larry email entire SEVT with dates and approval status .ALSO send conceptual agenda
Azdine from EU we have documents to prepare for travel
Chris -- all the content arrangement will need to comes from Altaf.. CC Chris, Ming Hao Sun, JW
Michael Fein.. has new baby .. but will probably make it -- put him in for at least an hour for RFID..
McDonalds in EU.. testing RFID Kiosk Printers.. depends on .10 tag not being too much..
CS - Rome has biggest McD in EU .. might work..
McD also looking for MPACT type of solution.. use beacn to find customers in restaurant..
McD also going tablet, but not ours..
Nikolay - McD in Russia testing Panasonic and other tablets..
and Mediamart testing RFID .. you register yourself NFC enabled card.. shop with it.. tap thing you want with the card and you are buying it .. then at checkout , guy with tablet checks your list, delivers items..
Peter McD runs franchises, hae to be on APPROVED SUPPLIER LIST .. which is regional..
Nikolay - same story with Adidas stores in Russia .. largest installation of Adidas equipment
.. testing printing of personal cards for frq buyers.. may have NFC chip, owrk like Mediamart..
Discussion: We need a AN440 for EU.
CW: I have entered a CPR 4 weeks ago but until now no answers/actions. need to discuss with Altaf.. AN400 is avail only for US.. issue is we need outdoor antenna for EU
CS - already submitted CPR?
CW - yes, are there more who need this..?
application is for TRUCK TIRES .. requests from multiple countries to track and trace trucks,,
when trucks leave, did it have same tires as when it cames .. seems to be a huge problem
Peter - it's a big issue in S African countries .. even beyond Europe
Nik - yes it's a big issue in Russia. we have mfrs looking for solution for this issue..
there are not suppliers that produce the tagged tires yet..
CW has tire tag mfr located, Peter had one too, that can make tags..
Peter .. also rental car co.s are getting ripped off..
Need long term roadmap Zebra RFID products. -
need to get from ALTAF.. he may be overloaded.
he's PTO this week.. ACTION == EMAIL him ask for SEVT roadmap update.. cc CS and JW..
Bill - Opportunity came up for Multiple tag technologies (UHF, HF and LF) all in one card.. BIG challenge
Azdine is that in France? can have them in pairs.. on tags..
peter - did we have this with Workabout Pro from PSION?
Michael.. we make UHF cards for Vail Reseorts.. we prototyped some with UHF and HF for lockers added on..
2 chips ($x2), 2 points of failure.. there are some competitors doing it.. still get good UHF read range..
(remind to post)
there is a 2-interface, one chip tag.. shared memory.. google "em micro dual rf chip" ..
theres a couple inlay mfrs doing testing, making progress. may be $.50
Pete - does BU plan to launch a UHF Rfid reader into ROGUE?
9190 getting old, 9200 but ROGUE has a Camera as well..
could be a strong product.. posting on SEVT, looking for ground swell support :-)
CW - big differentiator for us, could leave competition behind
CS - know a guy on Rogue, and they are talking about it.. anything you can do to advocate is good..
Azdine .. this may be the team
? comment - if we try to add RFID antenna will it not block the camera..
Charles W
approached by cust about adding UHF to product to see that all items have been scanned out.. on self-scanning..
important for expensive products like Gilette.. question is, are other food retailers interested in doing this?
Chrs S - just a note, we will have presence and RFID In APPARELL and FASHIOIN show in NYC ..
also a main sponsor for London RFID show.. single table top, small show, will have RFD8500 there.
so if you have customers in EU mention it to them..
Large csutomers connect them with Pankat Shukla ..
Azdine - had some problem on Wkabout Pro DGA .. for French Army.. active and passive UHF on same device..
parnter helped .. have some issies .. cracks on plastics..
Still don't have a new projedt - customers have questions about reading HF tags 1M underground
NG .. Natianal Gas in France.. pipeline.. want to be able to find it.. might not be metal pipe.. hard to detect.
have developed their own tag .. goes AROUND the tube .. antenna has to be long for undergournd .. about 1.5 M antenna.
using battery powerd tag
Pete - have heard of it before.. reduce risk of digging.. good that it's still being develop.
Cengiz - ask does anyone have experience for Auto Vehicle ID .use case is collecting tolls .. key requirement is Security ..
already asked on LaunchPad..
CW - There is an old one at Mexican US border.. (US Visit?)
SX7500 -- new MXP chipsets have high security ..
Cz - new gen tags may provide security by Q2 2016..
Chris Sather -- Target RFID pilots in US..
will be getting 50 RFD8500s for one pilot
ALSO will be getting 3190s for testing
Pete - pharma in EU, Roche, ZUrich .. they hear RFID in Pharma in US ..
explained US easier becuse of radio regulation lets it work better..
EU Pharma .. not as implemented as the US.. TOPIC NEX TIMES
Bruce Crawford - there are a couple of RFID projects going on with partner IBM
PoC for IBM, data center tracking .. or IT assets in an office.. passive tags on all equipment .. also find / check equipmet
uses both fixed and mobile . parther is RFID Global
installing in Raleight Center of Excellence.
evaluating tags, esp printable tags, for this application..
also IBM RFID greeter appliction .. get tagged id sticker, screens in briefing ctr welcomes you by name..
can also do MPACT type locationing .. brfing cnter in Austin will be first site.
more broadly we now have to customize the demo. in future parameterize for easier demo deployment.
get more info from Bruce. Badge & demos will have our logo and IBM's

Larry Dykes
Lots of years in mobility applications and data collection, not just bar code, but RFID as well. Mobile Device Management expert.
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