Android Virtual Workshop with Guest Speaker Andy Zmolek - Android l Deep Dive on Android Enterprise: Security, GMS, Zero Touch and More - Mon., Oct 23, 2017 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CDT

Stacey Kruczek -

Since Android Lollipop and with each subsequent release, Google has enabled new set of device management features with powerful new capabilities for the enterprise. Come learn about capabilities you may not have been aware of for security, app distribution, device management control, provisioning, and much more--including the recent announcement of zero-touch functionality which makes all of this easier than ever before. Learn from Android Engineer Andy Zmolek about the latest changes in Android that help the operating system meet the needs of Enterprise customers. Security, GMS, and manageability will be highlighted.


Check out Android Security: Enterprise Security  for additional information.


Stacey Kruczek

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1 Replies

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Android policy is to not share presentation materials, so we don't have the normal video and slides attached for this session. However I did a somewhat similar presentation on Android Security at <a href="/community/developer-events/blog/2017/11/13/zebra-at-droidcon-london-and-san-francisco">droidcon San Francisco</a>. You can view the slides here:<a href="/servlet/JiveServlet/download/38-17884/Debunking Android Security Myths - Droidcon SF.pdf">Debunking Android Security Myths - Droidcon SF.pdf</a>