Inventory Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Inventory operation using Xamarin RFID SDK
Read Access Operation Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Read Access operation using Xamarin RFID SDK
Write Access Operations Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Write Access operation using Xamarin RFID SDK
Locate Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Locate operation using Xamarin RFID SDK
Antenna Configurations Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Antenna configuration using Xamarin RFID SDK
Singulation Configuration Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Singulation configuration using Xamarin RFID SDK
Pre-Filter Configurations Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Pre-Filter configuration using Xamarin RFID SDK
Trigger Mode switching Configurations Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform Trigger Mode switching configuration using Xamarin RFID SDK
LED Configurations Tutorial
This Tutorial provides a walk-through of the steps to perform LED configuration Xamarin RFID SDK
This chapter provides detailed information about how to use various basic and advanced functionality to develop an Xamarin Android application using the Zebra RFID SDK for Xamarin Android.
Connection Management
Connection is the first step to talk to an RFID reader. Importing package is the first step to use any API. Import the package as follows:
Knowing the Reader Capabilities
The capabilities (or Read-Only properties) of the reader are known using the ReaderCapabilites class. The reader capabilities include the following:
Configuring the Reader
The reader has one or more sets of C1G2 RF Mode that the reader is capable of operating. The supported RF mode is retrieved from the RF Mode table using the ReaderCapabilities class.
Basic operations
This section covers the basic operations that an application needs to perform on an RFID reader which includes inventory and single tag access operations
Trigger Mode - RFID and Barcode
To set the trigger mode to work as RFID or Barcode functionality, use the following API.
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