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We configure the base/scanner  as Simple COM  Port Emulation to read the data from a backend and as soon we read the configuration barcode, the scanner was disconected from the base,…
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Hello,  on MC2180 (WindowsCE 6.0) we have sometimes this problem: Wireless Fusion scan don't found any wireless infrastructure networks (even though they exist in good quality) and we have to…
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I'm trying to send barcode data using dataWedge on a WS50. I'm working on an app in Kotlin. My receiver is registered, but the intent isn't being delivered. The logCat I placed in the receiver have…
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I'd like to generate a DMC code representing the input for two subsequent form fields in a browser, separated by a <TAB>. My DMC for testing is ABCD\t1234 and generated using this generator it…
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The EMDK mentions that it supports the RS6100: Yet the documentation for DeviceIdentifier does not contain a new a…
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In our we have used Zebra barcode scanner. The app is written in react native and running on Android tablet device(CC6000). Our new requirement is to fetch SCANNER STATUS periodically(every 5 minutes…
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I can able to set zebra scanner Host mode. but I would like to get current scanner host mode. what is the command to get scanner host mode?
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I wrote c++ program in Qt to get ScanDataEvent using MFC CCmdTarget. I could able to see the Barcode data in my application.   I would like to get scanned data without MFC in Qt. I don't want…
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Zebra newbie here. I cobbled together three cpp object files from Zebra's console sample to enable, scan, and disable an MS4717 scanner. We want our prototype's computer, an RPi 4B with Ubuntu, to…
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Hello I have a DS3678 Scanner.  Let's say i have 5 orders in a batch if i scan a barcode if it's not on that batch, I would like to send a beep or flash to the GUN. How to achieve this ? …