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I'm configuring a MC9090 with 2 sessions;  I have use Wavelink product configuration I there a way to lock one session once it is open? What I mean is once this session is open you can't select…
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Hi, I'm playing with cluster and can't understand how to use the "Critical Resource Monitoring" feature. To my understanding, one should enter a critical resource address (application server IP)…
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Does anyone know how to -programmaticaly- get the version of the emulation installed on a terminal? Is there a file that somehow contains it, or is there a CL argument (such as the classic -v)?…
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DHL in Spain is using MSP to inventory, provision and keep track of their terminals. Despite they are aware of Wavelink's plugin, the partner installed and configured all of them using Wavelink's PC…
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Hi Team, I heard that MK500 has been shown in recent NRF & demonstrated to scan 2D barcode on mobile phone.  I wonder if that firmware is release or not as we hv a potential project to use…
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Hello team, Does anyone have experience using our RFS RTLS with NAVIS? they say the need to use NAVIS Edge Manager but would like to know if from our side is there something else
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Hello I have  a potential MC3000 customer who, for PCI compliance, uses LEAP/EAP infrastructure to ace passwords every 90 days.  With our Fusion stack on our Mobile computers we can't…
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Hi, I succeeded to replace the default SplashScreen on a MC9090 (with OSUpdate Package Builder) and naturally would like to do the very same on a MC9060. Indeed the MC9090 (WM5 aka Magneto) …
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Is there a white paper on Fusion vs. Wireless Zero Config