Zebra DEVPODCAST - The Printer Protector! What Developers Should Know
What does security mean for printers? Why do we need this? What does the future hold for printers?
In this week’s DEVPODCAST, we’ve invited Leo Lowy, Director of Printer Software Product Management, to chat with Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley about the increasing need for security and tools for printers that address accessibility and connections on the enterprise network. Leo discusses how Zebra pushed for Link-OS v5.0 to address these exact concerns. For additional information about Link-OS v5.0 updates and new features, check out this blog.
But what about protecting our privacy on these printers? Leo talks about how Zebra provides customers full visibility to machine data through settings, events and encryption technology. He also discusses battery life and usage. Learn more about batteries and control here.
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Stacey Kruczek