Submitted by RWest on
Head Mounted Display
The HD4000 is a new Enterprise grade, monocular, see through Head Mounted Display. It is a USB-tethered accessory for designated current and future Zebra mobile terminals and is the first product in a new category for Zebra. It provides the ability to boost task efficiency and accuracy by overlaying the most relevant contextual information over the workers’ real-time field of view, enabling hands and eyes to be free to focus on tasks — instead of interacting with an application on a mobile computer to obtain the same data.


Answered Topic / Topic starter Replies Last post
Undocumented difference between DataWedge 6.7 and 7.0
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Barcode scanner activation through the Android app
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January 10, 2020 - 1:42 am
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0 by Anonymous (not verified)
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May 18, 2020 - 6:24 am
TC8000 Access Laser Scanner without the EMDK dependency
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1 by Catherine Wei
May 14, 2020 - 7:44 am



Are you currently developing or planning to develop an iOS app to connect to a Zebra MFi product?

roberto cottone

Questions...And Appologies

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ToughTab Forms by TAAP

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Enterprise Home Screen: Lock Down Your Zebra Android Devices

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Printing with Enterprise Browser

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Building Zebra's EMDK project using SDK Platform 23

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EMDK Power Tip: Setting the Default Keyboard

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Is your app being sunk by "Sunk Cost Fallacy"?

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Paragon DSI completes the Zebra Technologies Validation Program for SafeBaby® on the ZD410 and LP 2824Plus

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Zebra at NRF 2016

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