Access Zebra LifeGuard patch version in SOTI MobiControl
The instructions below and attached utility show how the LifeGuard patch version can be accessed in the SOTI MobiControl console which allows tracking of which patch version is applied to devices under SOTI management. Note that not all Zebra Android devices report the patch version but it should work on all devices running Lollipop or later OS builds.
Note : this utility is unsupported i.e. use at your own risk
1. Install and run GetPatchVer.apk. This will write the patchver.ini file in the root of the internal sdcard each time it is run.
2. In MobiControl console , right click on the target device to access menu and then select Advanced Settings/Custom Data
3. Click Override Settings Inherited from Parent Group and select Enable Custom Data Configuration – Click New to create new custom data collection rule
4. Enter name and Build Expression as shown below
5. Once custom data rule is defined, force device to reconnect and custom data should appear in Information panel as shown below

Anonymous (not verified)
10 Replies
Nice app but it would be nice to have the app triggered automatically on "Boot Completed" intent. That way we know that after we run a patch we know that we have the latest version updated in Soti. Otherwise how do you start the app after a patch is ran from Soti without user interaction?
Nice and important tool. Please add an information which OS versions are supported.
Deploy a patch with a a package that runs the app?
File Sync rules?
OEM Version 01-23257-K-02-00-00-MV
OEM Version 02-10-02-L-00-A
Do you have any plans of making the app compatible on Nougat?
If you're using SOTI why not just use "start com.zebra.ihgetpatchver" instead of "mxconfig getpatchver.xml"? Using an MX profile to launch an app seems overly complicated when you already have the start script.
We could really use Battery information. Health, charge cycles and such. Can we get information from the battery manager application?
The utility referred to in this post will write the patch version etc each time it is run which could be either via an EMM or using a utility like AutoStart from Google Play which would run it automatically after a warm boot.
Ian provided me this xml that can also be delivered via Soti using the MXCONFIG script command to rerun.
version="4.3" type="Intent">
name="Action" value="StartActivity"/>
name="ActionName" value="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
name="Package" value="com.zebra.ihgetpatchver"/>
name="Class" value="com.zebra.ihgetpatchver.main"/>