APPFORUM 2015: Loosening the Company’s Purse Strings
We know you should attend APPFORUM. You know it too, especially if you’ve been to APPFORUM before. But here’s the rub—how do you convince your manager to let you emerge from behind the screen for a three-day app fest in Vegas?
As you have come to expect, the Zebra has a solution for your pain point— a ready-made email that underscores conference highlights while finessing the finer points of ROI. Try sending this to your manager:
“Oh Captain My Captain,
A select group of peers and potential partners are headed to Vegas for APPFORUM from Sept. 21-23 and I’m writing for the ok to join them. Permit me to highlight my reasons for wanting to attend:
Because Next Gen is Now—from Iot to Enterprise Asset Intelligence and all of the possible innovations and applications in between, this conference enables innovators and risk takers (like ME) to stay on the cutting edge.
Way Beyond the Whiteboard—with over 30 Lightening Talks for all skill levels and a series of Workshop Sessions for advanced developers, APPFORUM lets me touch the future with hands-on access to the latest devices and tools while hitting all the important topics and trends.
Hanging with Hackers—this is our chance for Hackathon Glory. The first 100 developers to raise their hands to participate get special access to Zebra tools, which is the best damned chance we have at creating an “impress-your-competitors” kind of app. I beseech you Oh Captain, My Captain; let me loose on this one without delay so I may lay prizes at your honored feet.
Meet the Smart Cheese—some of the industry’s most talented thinkers will be at APPFORUM. There’s nothing like face-time with the likes of Zach Shelby, Tom Bianculli and Joe White when it comes to learning today about the changing shapes of future technology.
Synching up Synapses—these are my people, Oh Captain, My Captain. They’re as excited as I am about everything that developers are conspiring about these days, and I’m keen to connect with them to kick some ideas around about reaching new markets.
Experience the Eureka Moment—I’d like to run some of our more vexing tech issues past the solution swamis at APPFORUM so I may return home ready to move my projects ahead with the inspiration—and the connections—to keep the momentum going.
Clearing the Path—boundaries don’t exist among APPFORUM participants. Sharing thoughts and learning from this developer community brings me and my ideas into unchartered territory.
Staying in Budget—this one is so imminently affordable, it’s possible for the whole team to attend. Zebra feeds us, and snacks, java fuel, swag and some drinks are gratis. When you add registration ($99), the room (a ridiculously low $59/night + tax and resort fee), the price of a quick flight and per diem expenses, we’re hovering close to a very reasonable $1,000 for the entire shebang. Plus the earlier we register, the more chances we get to win the drone raffle that Zebra announced the other day.
Bask in the Afterglow—make the decision that keeps on giving, Oh Captain, My Captain, as I shall return from APPFORUM ready to share post-conference reports of infinite variety.
I await your favorable reply.”
Now all you need to do is cut . . . paste . . . and get ready to register for APPFORUM today.
See you in Vegas!
As a Global Technical Enablement Lead with Zebra Technologies, Ritesh Gupta is an avid technology enthusiast with over 16 years of experience in web technologies, mobile computing, RFID, data capture, wireless and Enterprise management solutions. He is a technical evangelist who is passionate about the latest technologies who loves to solve real world technical issues and is actively sought after for his solution guidance and implementation expertise.

Ritesh Gupta