APPFORUM 2105: Building Excitement!
Hi Everyone –I’m super excited about the Zebra APPFORUMs this year. This is the first time Zebra has hosted developer conferences globally. As part of the Printer ISV team, I can’t wait to meet many of the developers we’ve worked with over the years. I’m especially looking forward to meeting those cutting edge iOS and Android developers who take on the challenge of developing for enterprise customers.
There are several posts from one of my favorite colleagues, Ritesh Gupta, on Top 5 Reasons to Attend and Loosening the Company’s Purse Strings. These are great resources to help get your company on board with sending you to the APPFORUM. I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about why I think developers should want to attend the North and Latin Americas APPFORUM.
Vegas! – A couple of days in the sun in late September is just what the doctor ordered. The Hard Rock Hotel has the best pools in Las Vegas, not to mention the great dining and entertainment options. Plus we pulled some strings and got you a killer rate to stay (a ridiculously low $84/night as long as you book before Aug 31st).
Print Money! – We know there is far more money to be made in Enterprise development than writing consumer apps. (State of the Developer Nation) We can help get you started with development tips and tricks for creating top enterprise applications. As the leader in the Enterprise Mobility space, we have a number of Lightning Talks to discuss specific technologies and industry trends to help you focus your app development efforts.
Be Innovative! – Show your colleagues how great a developer you are with the best Hackathon entry. Play with all the latest technologies from new Android devices and lightweight mobile printers, to BLE beacons and IoT platforms. Find new ways to combine technologies to meet your customer needs.
Learn! – If you are new to Enterprise Asset Intelligence or followed Symbol and Zebra for decades, we have something to share. Zebra is rapidly innovating and creating new software tools for our development community. Learn how to develop an app for any platform. We will have developers available to answer questions throughout the days as well as the Workshops and Lightning Talks.
Connect! – Not only top leaders at Zebra, but developers from around the world are already signed up to attend. Hang out at the café, or by the pool. You never know what innovator is sitting right next to you.
Vegas! – Do I really need to say more?
P.S. If you’re not in the Americas, the EMEA APPFORUM is in London in October. I’ll see you there as well!
As always, you can contact me or the Zebra Printer ISV Technical Team on our Launchpad site.
Robin West
Solution Architect - Zebra Technologies

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