In this talk, we introduce Zebra’s on-device data collection tool for Fixed RFID Readers (FX9600/FX7500). We also cover a high-level overview of IoT Connector, followed by a demo and documentation overview.
Pure Cloud Deployment
In a Pure Cloud deployment, the Management, Control, and Data interfaces of the Zebra IoT Connector feature are all configured to connect to a cloud service provider.
Local Deployment
In a local deployment, the reader is setup to have all the interfaces (Management, Control and Data) exposed locally so that the reader does not have to be connected to the Internet.
Hybrid Deployment
In a Hybrid deployment, the Control, Management, and Data interfaces can be configured to connect to different endpoints.
Simple mode configures the radio to read and report all unique tags in the field of view of the radio.
Inventory mode configures the radio to read tags and report all unique tags for each antenna on a periodic interval. Additional meta-data (i.e., peak RSSI and number of reads for each antenna during the interval) is reported.
Portal mode configures the radio to report all unique tags that pass by each antenna immediately following a GPI event.
Conveyer mode configures the radio to read tags and report all unique tags for each antenna.
Custom mode provides all the low-level options to configures the radio and is designed for advanced user.
ZIoT Connector Web Interface
The Zebra IoT Connector can be configured using the reader web UI.
Reader Configuration
This section guides user to add an MQTT and HTTP Post endpoint configurations.
Start ZIoT Connector Service
Open a web browser to connect to the reader using the host name or IP address....
Start Reading Tags
Open Postman and send a GET request to /cloud/localRestLogin to the local Rest Management interface as shown below...
Connect Fixed Readers to Zebra Data Services
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with Zebra Data Services.
Connect Fixed Readers to AWS IoT Core
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with AWS IoT Core service.
Connect Fixed Readers to GCP IoT Core
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with GCP IoT Core service.
Connect Fixed Readers to IBM Watson IoT Platform
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with IBM Watson IoT Platform service.
Connect Fixed Readers to Azure IoT Hub
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with Azure IoT Hub service.
Connect Fixed Readers to MQTT Broker
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with MQTT Broker with MQTT version 3.1.1.
Connect Fixed Readers to HTTP POST
This section serves to guide the user to connect Zebra fixed readers FX9600, FX7500 and ATR7000 with HTTP POSTcServer for sending Tag Events.
Controlling GPIOs and LED
IoT Connector provides an easy to use rules based mechanism to control the reader GPOs and LED. User can create multiple rules and actions combo and save them on the reader. The reader will monitor for those events and take the configured actions automatically.
Controlling Operating Mode
Zebra IoT Connector provides the ability to configure the radio to different modes of operation that optimize the radio configuration based on intended use case. Once configured, the mode can be started using the START REST API and will continue to operate until the STOP REST API is called.
Zebra Data Services (ZDS) REST APIs
When deployed with Data Services, ZDS exposes a REST API interface that can be used to manage, configure, and read tag data from RFID readers. For details on the REST API, please visit Device Management for RFID.
Local Deployment REST API Guide
When deployed in local mode, the reader can be controlled using the REST API. The definition can be found below...
FxConnect to IoT Connector Migration Guide
This section serves as a guide to migrating the FxConnect settings to IoT Connector.
123RFID Desktop to IoT Connector Migration Guide
This section serves as a guide to migrating the 123RFID Desktop settings to IoT Connector.
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